Friday, 21 November 2008

Practise Continuity Task

Just before October half term, me, Lewis and Jamie created our first continuity piece. Overall the whole thing went well, our work was satisfactory and it gave us an idea of what we should expect when filming our real piece.
We felt that in the real thing it would be a better representation of the narrative if we used actors and actresses instead of ourselves. I believe it would allow us to concentrate on other areas of the task instead of just the acting.
The task was predominately about discovering how to do 'shot reverse shot' without breaking the 180 degree rule. Unfortunately we did break the rule but when we discovered were we went wrong the mistake was clear to see. The editing was fairly consistent mainly demoninated by straight cuts and shot reverse shots. No sound was included in the sequence as we didn't feel it was necessary for the narrative and we run out of time. The task was filmed down a technology corridor and a classroom within my school. It was good using such an open space although we didn't include many props within it.

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