Friday, 20 March 2009

Rough cut, Teacher practical feedback

Mark= 42 Grade= C

- Camera work is controlled and steady throughout
- Framing of shots is mostly well concieved with elements included/ excluded as appropriate
- Some variety of shot distances is evident- the number is limited due to sturtcure/ content of the extract
- Most of the material is appropriate to the task set however there is too much leaving the extract significantly over the 2 minute time limit
- Mise- en- scene has been clearly thought out with effective use of iconic/ symbolic signifiers, choice of location, dress and props
- Editing is competent- there is considerable socpe for improvement here which will also improve pace and continuity
- Shot transitions are mostly ok but they need work- again this is directly connected to the sequencing and continuity of the piece
- Non-digetic sound has been used generally well but the opening needs some re-thinking. Also non-digetic sound could be far better utilised. This is one key aspect that limits the project
- The title sequence is highly effective but comes to a somewhat clumsy and abrupt end. Again see editing.

Targets for improvements

- You must revisit your use of sound- the non-digetic sound needs to be higher in the mix during the latter stages and more needs to be made of sound effects to add to the mood of the sequence as a whole.
- You also need to reconsider the opening- the noise/ chatter does not achieve the intended effect and gets the title sequence off to a rocky start.
- Editing needs considerable work - the transition from title sequence to live action needs to be slower and smoother.
- Also, you need to consider losing a whole section. What's more you need to pace your clips with a little more finesse and deliberateness.
- Finally, you need to hold some key shots for longer. This will add to the 'thriller'ness of your piece.

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