Tuesday 21 April 2009

Group evaluation

In order for our text to be completely analysed, we used a variation of evaulation technqiues. One method in which we used was a group evaluation. This involved watching the text and four groups making brief comments about the positive and negatives of our extract. This feedback contributed to more decisions being made, for example potential improvements.

The feedback included:
- positive= music over titles was really effective and engaging made audience automatically know the henre of the extract.
- positive= animation was relative to genre.
- Improvement= sound over footage could have been more engaging.
- Opening with animatic seemed very professional.
- gun sound very effective
- shot at end could have been more steady.
- shot with cigarette could have been more centralised- came off screen.
- CGI could of had better colours to represent the genre (red, gold, etc)
- shots were unsteady in some
- Overall title sequence was very good, especially "Money" title.
- Very professional
- Costume and casting very good - professional, again
- Title sequence could have lasted longer e.g. director.

From the group feedback in which I recieved, I feel that the overall response was fairly good. This was due to the fact that the positive points outwayed the negatives. Thus, meaning that we successfully gave our audience members the relevant text in which we originally set out to deliver. Many people commented that the overall look of the extract was very "professional". This was reinforced through the CGI sequence in which we implemented at the beginning of the text. By doing this, it gave us an advantage because it kept the audience members engaged and wanting more. Thus, meaning that if we were going to do this project again then we would lengthen the title sequence to satisfy the needs of our target audience.

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